Monday, October 10, 2011

birthday freebie...

Hi all!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!!  It is nice to be back to blogging!!  The little blog break was nice, but I did miss this little creative outlet *wink*

I have been pretty busy wrapping things up in the office, and looking for a new job, so that has been keeping me somewhat occupied.  

I whipped up a non-stamped card for my nephew's birthday a few weeks ago in Illustrator, I am really drawn to the "subway art" look lately, and like using multiple fonts.  

I made up a generic (without the name)  one to share with you!!  If you would like to download the file just click HERE.  All you have to do is save it to your computer and then print it on cardstock~EASY PEASY!

Nathan bday card
Have a super Monday!!!


Patrice said...

Very cool!

It's lovely to have you back blogging! I enjoyed your iphone pics :o)

jaki said...

Thanks so much for sharing this download.
I printed it off this morning and popped it in the post for my 14 year old godson. Perfect!!