Howdy friends!
It has been a
busy weekend at the Clark house!!
I am happy to report we are now the proud owners of these
bad boys (pic below)!!! *woot woot* They are
AWESOME!! I had planned on getting a cheaper model, but my hubby wanted me to have the best
(love that guy!!). The only thing this pair does not do is fold and put away the clothes, LOL!! It has Steam clean and dry
(not sure how to use that yet, but I am told it sanitizes and disinfects~which I am all over that!!), plus tons of
other knobs and buttons (which I need to read the manual for). Luckily I was able to figure out
regular wash and dry cycles, LOL!! So I did
lots of laundry this weekend. And let me just add that when the delivery guys came to take the old ones away and install my new
"friends" I was grossed out with all the dust and
random things under the old machines!!! I found a few socks
(not matching), a package of AA batteries, plastic forks, a roll of double stick tape, and lots of pennies
(it was quite an interesting mix of items!), I would have taken a picture, but I only had about 3 min to vacuum and clean it up and I still made the guy wait until I was done~
I am OCD ya know!!
Today I have a
easy sewing project for you!! I needed a gift bag for my friend
(and Mike's assistant), Heather, who celebrated her birthday last week. I wanted something with pink because she always jokes about working in the church office with Mike and Nate, and there is nothing
girly there. I was browsing in my
favorite store, and came across this denim fabric bag for $2.99, and then it hit me~
I could pretty this up and not break the bank!!! I used my 40% coupon on the bag
(since it was the most expensive thing I bought that wasn't on sale, which made it $1.79), then I purchased some pink trim for $1.12, I already had the felt and buttons for the flowers so that was $0, so the
grand total of this gift bag was $2.91 (cheaper than buying one at Hallmark!! and way cuter, IMO!). All I did was sew the trim around the top of the bag, then I stitched on the felt flower and added a button.

and Of course I had to make a
matching tag :) I think the entire project took me
20 min from start to finish~

I filled the bag with a gift card and some of
these (because they are pink). She does so much for my hubby and I just wanted to give her a pretty birthday present.
I also opened an
Etsy shop over the weekend~I was amazed at how easy it was!! If you want to check out my store...I linked it to the tab on the top of my blog
(I will add more cards soon).Happy Monday!!