"I'm moving to North Dakota"
Yes, it's true. A few months ago, Mike was throwing around the idea of working in the oil industry, since he was not happy in his current job. I gave that idea a big FAT NO!! But, after really thinking about the opportunity (and a fresh start), and knowing that I could visit my kiddos in AZ, the idea seem a little "OK."
Mike was offered a job and drove up to ND. He has been working up there for about a month and a half. I have been here in AZ with the pups. Thankfully we were FINALLY able to secure a place to live (that is another crazy story).
Have you heard of BSL??
Breed-specific legislation (BSL) is a law that bans OR
restricts certain types of dogs based on their appearance, usually
because they are perceived as “dangerous” breeds or types of dogs (usually pit bulls).
Well in AZ, there are very few BSL bans (only Sho Low), but being the responsible pit bull owner, I did some research on North Dakota, only to be disappointed to see that most of the cities in ND ban pit bulls. So, that put a little crimp in our house hunt. I then learned that if your dog is registered as a service dog, you cannot be discriminated against because of their size or breed. Luckily we were able to do that with Sophie and Bella, and Mike found a townhouse that was OK with our dogs (and 2 cats - we are a renters nightmare, LOL!!), and luckily the townhouse is located right outside the city limits of Williston (so there are no BSL bans in that part of city).
Mike and I pride ourselves as responsible pet owners, and want to follow the rules. Mike has been in contact with the police station and as long as we carry Sophie and Bella's Service Dog Certificate, we can bring them anywhere other dogs are allowed. Let me say, this has been very disheartening, to think that the entire state does not like pit bulls, but I have found that there are lots of pit bull owners in ND. I hope that my 2 dogs can change peoples minds about the misconception of pit bulls. They really get such a bad rap!!

So, after housing was secured, I told my manager that I would be moving and giving in my notice. (I was planning on working part time after I moved to ND once I was settled in, because I would most likely be bored at home all day long). Well, what happened next REALLY surprised me....I was asked if I would like to stay with the company and work remotely from home in ND, um...YES, please. I am super excited that I don't have to learn a new job, and can change my wardrobe from business casual to yoga pants (can I get a woot woot!).
So with everything falling into place, Mike ordered some u-haul storage pods, that will be dropped off on November 1. He also hired some guys to load them up for me. But that means I have until 10/31/14 to get this entire house packed (what?!).
We are going to lease out our house in AZ, so if you know anyone in the Ahwatukee area that is looking for a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house with a pool, let me know!! We are also going from 2200 square feet to 1,000 square feet of living space. So throw into the packing craziness, I am doing some downsizing. I am excited to get rid of stuff and hopefully live more simply!!
Here are some things I found interesting about my new city of Williston:
1. Businesses cannot find enough people to work, Walmart starts people off at $17 per hour.
2. The population of Williston is 21,000 (compared to Phoenix's 4.3 million).
3. Williston is the sixth largest city in ND.
4. Mike tells me there is a Walmart, JCPenney and Albertson's (this will be interesting!! It is a good thing I am an expert at online shopping!!). Oh yeah, Target and Starbucks are 2 hours away (what?)
5. The temperature varies from -0 to 85 degrees
(Me and the pups are going to need to buy the hoodie-footie!!).
So, the blog may be a little quite for the next few weeks, but I am planning on being more consistent with my posts once I am moved and settled in! I want to get back to my Monday, Wednesday and Friday posts.
I am excited to learn about a new area, and will be taking lots of pictures to keep my family, friends & blog readers updated.
Enjoy Today!!