Hi friends! Are you ready for the weekend?? I am raising my hand, LOL!!
Do you have anything fun planned? Nate's parents are here this week visiting from Pennsylvania; Mike and I are going out to dinner with them (and Nate & Ashley) tonight...good times!!! I am also hoping to work a little more on my Project Life album (it is slowly coming along~I may do a post on it next week).
Will you be getting up at 4am to watch the Royal Wedding??? I don't think I will be up that early~thank goodness for the DVR!!!
My (step) dad, who is really considered my dad, will be celebrating his birthday on 4/30, can you guess how "young" he will be??? I have been wanting to use my new PTI number dies and new Birthday stamp set~so glad to have had an special occasion to use them!!! I tucked a few gift cards to his favorite spots inside and sent it on it's way. I am pretty sure he doesn't read my blog~so I don't thing the surprise will be spoiled, LOL!!!

Have a Fabulous weekend FRIENDS!!!!