Happy Thursday!!
I don't know about you, but I am ready for the weekend!!
I put my Mother's Day Project Life page together last week, when I scrapped Josh's Birthday pages (since we celebrated Mother's day on the same day that we celebrated Josh's birthday party), but I have not had time to post it on the old blog.
Four years ago, I started a little tradition, of taking a picture with me and my kiddo's on Mother's Day (top Left photo, I wish I had started that tradition when my kids were little!!). I love to look back and see how we have changed. I seriously have the best kiddos in the world!! And I was happy that Hershey, who we call the HERSH, (Ashley's Doggie) was there to help celebrate!! I am not sure what happened to Nate during all the picture taking, but he was there too!!
I just purchased THIS PL kit and hope I have some time to scrap with it this weekend!!
*click on the image to make larger
Enjoy Today!!