From left to right:
1. There has been lots of news about dog treats from China making pups sick or even dying. I only buy dog treats made in the USA. I found these at Sam's Club this week that my dogs LOVE!!
2. Yup...I jumped on the Bitstrips band wagon!
3. Bella is such a snugly puppy!! If I am taking a nap, she always jumps up to snuggle with me. I know I have said it before, but pit bulls really do get a bad rap. October is Pit bull Awareness Month~this article is really good.
4. Our downstairs is turned upside down, literally!! We are going to be staining the concrete floor in our living/dining/craft room. Pete is enjoying the big mess of furniture in the family room.
5. Mike and I went to Pei Wei for our weekend lunch date. I had a buy one get one free entree coupon~HOORAY!
6. I have not had one of these in a while, so after #5, we treated ourselves to a cone~YUM!
7. My mom sent me another box of Woodstock apples. There is NO comparison to the ones I get in the store!! Thanks MOM!!
8. Kodi came over this weekend for a haircut!! He is such a sweet dog!! Sophie and Bella had fun playing with him.
9. Mike sanded our floors on Sunday...can you say GIANT MESS!! I thought #4 was stressful. I don't think I will ever get all the dust cleaned up. I am trying to keep the finished product in my mind, LOL!!
Enjoy Today!!!
From left to right:
1. Mike sent me this picture of Bella sunning herself up in the loft. This is usually where Pete sleeps. She thought it looked comfy I guess.
2. I have been drinking less coffee at work, but I still have my favorite mug on my desk.
3. It is fall, and Pumpkin is house smells like a candle store (so yummy).
4. Enjoying some time with my favorite lap dogs.
5. I was feeling very domesticated, and made cinnamon rolls (with extra frosting) from scratch. They were so good, which reminded me why I don't bake (I eat them!). I packaged them up and dropped some off to Ashley & Nate and Josh & Jess.
6. Mike and I went to a wedding on Saturday, so of course we snapped a picture of us all dressed up. I could not wait to get my shoes off and put my sweat pant shorts back on (I am a casual gal)!!
7. Saturday night was spent watching the Red Sox play against the Tigers. Sophie was pretty excited about the grand slam!! World Series Baby!! Woo Hoo!!
8. Sunday we went to Josh and Jess' house (see #5) and saw this Halloween display~so CUTE!!
9. After a full week...this is what is for dinner on Sunday night (I really wanted #5).
Enjoy Today!!
From left to right:
1. Last week I was in the mood for a "grandpa style" (named after my great grandfather, who used to make them for my mom, and my mom who made them for me) it is an egg and cheese sandwich with Miracle Whip.
2. Sophie on her way to puppy class. She loves looking out the window.
3. Mike gassed up my car and had it washed, he takes good care of me.
4. More home repairs, we are getting ready to repair the concrete floor on the first floor and then stain it.
5. A trip to Sam's Club for some groceries and a quick snack!
6. Bella had a follow up appointment for another skin scrap, to make sure she tested negative for mites~which she did, HOORAY!
7. I don't usually make big breakfasts, but surprised my hubby and made pancakes on Sunday morning. THIS is the recipe I use and it is so yummy!
8. You know I love Peeps, my mom always sends me some for every holiday.
9. Got new glasses about a week ago, I need to have them adjusted, they keep sliding off my face.
Enjoy Today!
From left to right:
1. We are about half way done with our home improvements; living room and dining room carpet getting ripped up!! I cannot tell you how happy that makes me!! I am sorry if you are a carpet lover~I dislike wall to wall carpet a LOT!
2. Just Soph hanging out with Mike as he works.
3. A lunch break at one of our favorite spots.
4. I LOVE candy corn!! I finally remembered to buy some when I went to Target this weekend *smile*
5. Yes! It is cooling off in AZ! Time for hot cocoa ;)
6. Saturday night Mike and I lit a fire in our chiminea. Of course we had some hot cocoa see #5 (the pups had a bully stick)...BLISS!
7. Bella Button (that's what I call her), chilling on the love seat.
8. Mike and I are going to a new church, that we really like. It is THIS one if you are curious.
9. I seriously LOVE my crock pot!! THIS is whats for dinner Monday night.
Enjoy Today!