I had a fun week participating in Ali Edward's "a week in the life." I was worried that I would run out of things to take pictures of, but once I got into it, things just seemed to flow!! I will definitely participate again next year!! I have not decided if I will make a separate album for all my photos from my WITL or if I will just incorporate it into my Project Life album. I may post a few of the photos this week, since I did not really have much time to stamp. I was busy wrapping up all the details from my last job, so I can transition to my new job tomorrow. I am looking forward to my first day!! I have been doing healthcare for so long~I think it will be a nice change for me.
Here is my weekly phone dump (I had LOTS of photos to choose from this week, since I was using my DSLR and my iphone to document my WITL).

From Left to Right:
1. Running some quick errands: drop off a package for Josh, pick up stamps for work, run to Costco.
2. This is one of the many times I didn't spend over $250 at Costco~picked up some snacks for the boys and some frozen fruit for me (Yonana's!!)
3. My kids LOVE this mac & cheese, I prefer homemade, but I gave it a try for lunch the other day, and it was OK (and only 5 ww points plus)
4. Pete on top of my work (as usual). I will miss having my crazy pets with me at work!!
5. Decided to drop off all my ironing at the dry cleaners (go me!!), check out the bag they gave me with my own name inside so I can drop off laundry anytime, at their kiosk~COOL!!
6. Mike and I went out for lunch on Friday to a new place up in the foothills, We have eaten at others in the past, and are excited to have one so close to us!!!
7. Mailed a birthday gift~I love that I don't have to wait in line anymore at the post office, because it never fails, when I go in there, there is always a line and 2 people working, then one decides to go on break!! (vent over).
8. Mike and I went out for lunch AGAIN on Saturday, to our usual spot see #9 (we kinda splurged on eating out this week, LOL!!).
9. Our usual Saturday lunch spot :)Enjoy Today!!