I know it has been a little LOT quite on the old blog the past two weeks!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!! We have had lots of food, family, fun, and my new job (that I like so far!!) all which have been keeping me pretty busy.
I hope to resume regularly scheduled programming on Sunday 1/8.

2011 has been an interesting year. Here are a few highlights:
*Mike and I celebrated 25 years of marriage.
*Mike and I celebrated 25 years of marriage.
*Ashley finished her internship and got her Master's Degree. I know great things are in store for her!!
*Josh is back in school/getting ready to start a new job that he is very excited about.
*My office of 9 years closed permanently, and I found a new job perfectly timed and planned for me.
*I was published in Paper Crafts again (which makes me jump up and down every time it happens!!)
*I am still learning/and getting better at not taking life too seriously and always looking for the silver lining!!
I am anxious to see what 2012 will have in store!! It is always so nice to start out FRESH!! With a clean slate!!
Happy New Year blog friends!!!