From left to right:
1. I take the dogs to the baseball field near our house, every day after work. They are really good at finding baseballs!!
2. Crazy Pete!! He is not phased one bit that Sophie and Bella are way bigger than him.
3. It was cloudy and rainy the last part of the week. Grilled cheese and tomato soup hit the spot!!
4. I am having a love affair with mason jars!! I am getting all "duck dynasty" and using them for cups!!
5. See #1
6. Mike and I ran tons of errands on Saturday~we stopped for lunch at Chick-Fil-A (I love their waffle fries!!).
7. Nappy time!!
8. I finished my burlap wreath. I like how it turned out. It was super easy to make. Tutorial HERE.
9. Since it has been rainy and chilly pretty much all weekend, I make a big pot of taco soup. YUM!!
Enjoy Today!!
From left to right:
1. I didn't realize until later in the day on the 12th, that it was 11-12-13 COOL!
2. I come home for lunch every day to see Sophie and Bella, and let them outside. I think they enjoy it as much as I do. They make me smile!
3. A little afternoon snack...I am glad these only come 3 to a package, LOL!
4. I am borrowing an E-collar to try out on Sophie. She gets super excited when we come home or if someone comes over. A 70 pound puppy jumping is not OK!! So far it does not really seem to phase her.
5. New creamer flavor in the house this week!!
6. I got this screen on my iPhone on Saturday. It is NOT a good screen to have! It means something went wrong with an update, and you need to restore your phone. Not so bad if you back it up regularly...grrr!! This is a public service announcement!! BACK UP YOUR PHONE!! Mine went back to November 2012, thank goodness I save my photos every week, or else I would have been really bummed!!
7. We had the kids over for lunch on Sunday (it has been too long since we have done that!!), it was nice to see everyone and catch up!
8. Sophie and Bella get tired watching me clean the house.
9. After lunch on Sunday (see #7) Ashley, Jess and I made a burlap wreath, (I ran out of ribbon, so mine is only 3/4 done). Here is Ashley's (she still wants to add some embellishments), they were super easy to make!!
(*note~this is taken on our stained concrete floors). I will show updates soon!! I just have a lot going on with Josh and Jess' wedding right around the corner ;)
Enjoy Today!
From left to right:
1. I made this for our Halloween party at work. I seriously LOVE this stuff! So glad I brought most of it to work!!
2. Some days I feel like being curly.
3. Mike always fills up my gas tank and gets my car washed. He is a pretty great guy!!
4. This week on the agenda was doggie baths, let me tell you, the pups were dirty!! Especially with all the dust from our renovation projects (photos coming soon). Sophie LOVES getting a bath, she usually waits for us in the tub.
5. Bella is not as much of a fan of baths, but I am happy to report, both pups smell great now.
6. Sophie completed her AKC Good Citizen class on Thursday, we are so proud of her!! We know people are afraid of pit bulls, so Mike and I want to make sure ours are well behaved. Bella is the next student (probably after the holidays).
7. Mike suggested eating HERE on Saturday~So YUMMY!!
8. We had some bark park fun on Sunday morning with Mike, Ashley, Josh, Jess, a girl from my work and her hubby, Jess' mom and step dad and all the doggies. It was a lot of fun!!
9. This is what happens after #8
Enjoy Today!!
Redoing floors is a lot of work (mostly for my hubby). I am finally getting things put back where they belong, and that makes me so happy (pics will be coming soon). Since my computer is still not hooked up, I didn't get to do my photo dump yet. So I thought I would post a pic from Halloween. It's a big deal at my work. It was fun doing the Duck Dynasty theme with my department.

Enjoy Today!