I am alive! We made it to North Dakota!!
Of course things did not go as planned (do they ever?),
but we are settling in and trying to get things organized.
1. This guy had to take a trip to the emergency vet the weekend before I moved. He enjoyed a giant bone the day before, unfortunately it got stuck in his tummy. Luckily he didn't need to have it surgically removed.
2. Mike and I went out with the kids for dinner before we left. We went to a few places near Ashley and Nate's new house (downtown Phoenix). I really enjoyed my Tuxedo Latte.
3. Thursday morning Mike, the pups and I set out for our LONG drive to ND. It took a day longer than expected due to some snow in Wyoming.
4. This girl did not sleep during the ride. She sat up and looked out the window for most of the trip. She was exhausted when we finally arrived at our new home.
5. Soph was pretty worn out too. They are both adjusting to the cold/snow pretty well.
6. It is quite a temperature difference from AZ...brrr! I am adjusting though.
7. I think hot chocolate will be an everyday thing around here.
8. It snowed on Sunday, and I even ventured out to get some groceries (see #9)
9. I went to Walmart on Sunday morning to get some groceries (I really miss my shopping options from AZ, but I am making the best of it). Can you believe that they don't open until noon on Sunday's?? And there was a line to get in...What??? It was definitely an experience.
Enjoy Today!