1. I found THIS sign at the Hallmark store and I have to say it is SO true!! I put it on my desk at work. Speaking of that, Sophie and Bella need new doggie beds, and after buying a few cheap ones at Costco, I am investing in THESE (ordered them last night), they should arrive next week *woot*
2. The weather has been AMAZING here!! Sorry to all my friends who are getting snow!! I do wish I could have a snow day though~just ONE would be great!
3. I went to the dentist for my 6 month check up on Thursday (well it was more like 8 months, because I was procrastinating). I had a feeling I would need a crown and YUP, it was confirmed. I always think of this e-card when I think of getting a crown.
4. Jess loaded all the wedding photos on her Flickr account, there were so many nice ones, but thought I would share one of my fav's. Seriously, Josh cracks me up!! He is my favorite son!! (there will be a wedding Project Life page or two in the near future!!).
5. Am I the only one shocked that February is almost over? Where did the month go??
Have a FABULOUS Weekend!!
That sign is so funny, Gretchen. I am still laughing. Have a good weekend.
What a beautiful pic of you and Josh - your laughing smile is gorgeous.
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