Monday, March 7, 2011


Hi all!
I hope you had a fabulous and relaxing weekend!!!
What a wonderful weekend I had!! My to-do list really got ignored, but that is ok!!!

Saturday Mike and I took the kids out for brunch (I cannot remember the last time my hubby was home on a Saturday~he usually cleans the church and works on the power point for our Sunday services). The women's ministry volunteered to clean the church and give him a Saturday off (what a blessing!!). The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed a very late breakfast on the patio of Mimi's Cafe (Nate had to work *sad face here*). Of course I had my phone with me, and YES!! I snapped pic's, LOL!!!

Sunday our church surprised Mike and I with a wonderful gift!! A retreat and lots of other goodies...we are still on Cloud 9!! Feeling so blessed by our loving church family!! They ROCK!!

I had a few moments to play in my craft room/studio last night~and since I was feeling so blessed~I made a "blessing" card.

signature greeting blessing to me_0001

Have a Spectacular Monday!!


Angy said...

Cute, love that big gorgeous bow! I also love the excitement and fun you inspire by changing up the text. I am so boring in my "posting of the facts". What fun to see - and congrats on the surprise gift! Great to be blessed.

AllMyHobbies said...

Love how pretty this is, but then again, so is all your work!

Kelly S. said...

I just found out about your blog today from another special blogger! This card is beautiful, Gretchen! As are the rest of I scrolled through! Can't wait to visit again and again :) Have a great day!

Susan said...

Hi Gretchen! I just found your blog today via a gal on the Papertrey forum. I just love your style! I'm a digiscrapper, amatuer photographer, and cardmaker too and can relate to everything on your blog. Church plays a big part in my life too. :) I just love this card - so warm and cheery! Have a great day!

June K. said...

I also just found out about your blog and I love all your work. Your style is so similar to mine. Thanks for the many inspirations.

Ted said...

Hi Gretchen,

Count me in as yet another person who found your blog through a fellow PTI friend, Jen. :)

I love this card... the cheery yellow tied together with the warm brown. Just wonderful. I love your CAS style. Thanks for sharing!

Keva said...

This is so lovely. I'm so glad Jen directed us to your blog!

Jen Carter said...

This is a gorgeous card!! Love, love the colors and the frame cut out of the patterned paper!! Beautiful as always!

Barb W said...

Gretchen, I am so thankful that a fellow PTI gal turned me onto your blog. I am so impressed with your cards, and also a person that wears my camera on my hip, love your pics. You are such a talented person...thanks so much for sharing. I will be back again, again and again.

Kathy Mc said...

Gretchen, your posts just crack me up as you've always got something interesting to share. How wonderful that your church appreciates you & Mike…and show it. Your "blessed" card is gorgeous, and the buttons & bow really pop. Sounds like you've got some more repeat followers ~ hooray!

Amy Galvan said...

Wow! Thanks to a really nice comment on the PTI forum, I just discovered your blog. BEAUTIFUL work! I'm adding you to my Reader! Thanks for lots of inspiration.

Katie said...

I love the framed sentiment...clever! I just found your blog yesterday via the PTI forum and am so happy I did! Your style is so refreshing and your posts are so happy!

Nancy said...

Jen Carter from the PTI forum sent us your way and I'm so glad she did. What a fun and inspirational blog.

Lisa K said...

I also found your blog from the PTI forum. Jen was right when she said that you have a beautiful blog. I love the style of your cards AND of your blog. I consider myself "blessed" to have discovered it. Count me in as a follower (and fellow "Valley" neighbor). :)

Eva said...

Yep...another PTI person here to say hello!I am in LOVE with your blog and your creations. You have that fresh and clean style I absolutely adore! LOVE your photos!

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