Wednesday, November 10, 2010

yummy "pink" cupcake birthday...

Hi all!
I hope you are having a great week~mine has been...well lets just say...sorta crappy!!! Ever have one of those days? I seem to be having one of those weeks~but I am hopeful things will start to turn around today~it is hump day ya know!!! *woot woot*

I won't bore you with the not so pleasant details of my week, (trying to stay positive), LOL!!! But yesterday the Maytag guy came out to our house to take a look at my washing machine (it has been acting up for a while and the spin cycle is super loud!!! I mean like a jet is taking off loud!)~the verdict was not good!!! It would cost $1000 to fix it, and considering I am not really in love with it~Mike and I are going to go washer shopping (and hopefully getting a dryer too *I like them to match*, LOL!) this weekend. Considering laundry is one of my favorite items (sick, I know) to do on the old chore list~I am somewhat looking forward to it (minus spending the $$ part).

birthday cupcake

A friend of mine is celebrating a birthday and her favorite color is pink~so of course I had to make her a "girly" pink card!!! I will just slip a gift card to one of her favorite shopping spots inside, and pick up something from here and viola~birthday gift complete!

ok friends~I will see you back here on my favorite day of the week...FRIDAY!! ta ta for now :)


Shelli Deckard said...

Uber cute Gretchen! Love the cupcake, to cute!

Jodene said...

I bet your friend loved this card, it is so cute! And definitely girly :)