Isn't it nice to have a long weekend? I just love it!
Although Mike and I are not doing anything really fun...we are painting the ceiling in our kitchen/dining room, (Mike is painting, I am supervising, lol!). I may try to get some digi scrapping/stamping done...but not sure (gonna play it by ear), we may just watch movies and eat (some of our best activities, lol!).

I was busy stamping over the weekend, so I have some stamped goodies to post this week! so stay tuned!!
And take a moment to day to remember our men and women in the military...because our freedom was not free!
And I'm proud to be an American,where at least I know I'm free.And I won't forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.~Lee Greenwood
For love of country they accepted death.- James A. Garfield
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~From a headstone in Ireland
Have a great Day!
Thanks for stopping by!!
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