Tuesday, May 20, 2008

grid technique...

Well we survived Monday! Today I am working the later shift at work, since Ashley is away this week in Florida, with her friends from college...lucky her!

It will be nice to sleep in a little, but I am sure I will not like staying at work until 5pm! I can handle it for one week though, lol!

I wanted to try this technique that was featured on Splitcoast last week. I thought it was kind of cool! I also cased Beate's card, since I just love anything that uses chocolate chip and blue (or pink). I just changed out the stamp sets.

It was a pretty easy card...and the grid technique is really fun! I am sure that I will be making more of them!

My Friend, Cindy (hi Cindy), game me a mini lesson on Sunday on how to operate my camera in manual mode...I am having fun trying different things, and actually using some of the features. It is kind of fun not always using the auto mode! I am hoping to start taking a photo a day in June (we will see if I can keep up!). I figure that way I will get more familiar with my camera and hopefully get some great pic's in the process!

Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!

Supplies used (SU! unless noted): Lots of Thoughts/Priceless stamp set; Chocolate Chip/Whisper White/Soft Sky cardstock; Chocolate Chip/Soft Sky ink; Scallop/Circle/Flower punches; Iridescent Ice Brad; Chocolate Chip Ribbon


Sears Family said...

very pretty!

Anonymous said...

as for your camera - try the mode that is for up close work - i took pics of my roses that way and the flowers look 3D!!! the rose bush it self looks blurred - very cool!

sarita in apple valley ca
birthmothers never forget