1. Mike and I bought booties for the pups. We tried them out on Bella (it was hilarious), I am hoping she gets used to them, especially since it hasn't even got cold here yet.
2. My new favorite breakfast is overnight oatmeal. It is super easy. 1/2 cup oatmeal (I use the old fashion oats), and 1/2 cup milk (I use coconut milk). Put in a jar and refrigerate overnight, then I just put it in the microwave for about 45 seconds in the morning and add raisins and walnuts.
3. I am so happy that I can find the items, I used to find in the grocery store in AZ, on Amazon (with free shipping~thank you Amazon Prime!!). My Way Better chips arrived this week!
4. Sophie was guarding her antler under her chin. She always hides her stuff from Bella.
5. I was up bright and early on Saturday morning. Hello Coffee!
6. All the trees/grass were covered in ice on Saturday, it was really pretty. I guess that the humidity freezes to the grass and trees.
7. Here is one of the oil wells that is located right near out townhouse. Mike explained the entire process to me, which was pretty interesting.
8. Mike and I went out for breakfast on Saturday morning. We were going to try to find another breakfast place to try, but after searching my Urbanspoon App, it looks like Grandma Sharon's is the only place that serves breakfast in Willistion (well, other than McDonald's). I had GIANT pancakes, that were actually pretty yummy!!
9. I had a visitor this week. Flat Stanley, came to Willistion for a visit, I am wondering where he will travel next?
Enjoy Today!
Merry Christmas, Gretchen!
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