Friday, April 26, 2013

5 on Friday...

 5 on Friday
1.  Why is it when you have a day off during the work week, the week goes so slow??  Hello Friday!!
2.  I know I have said this before...but "Pinterest Rocks!!"  I have found so many great ideas and PL freebies...check out this one HERE.  It is the "mother load" of digital freebies, that I cannot wait to use in my PL pages!!  
3.  I found out this week that this upcoming season of Dexter  is the last *boo*  
4. I realized today that May is next week~can you believe the year is almost half over? 
5.  Love this quote that I found...guess where?  Pinterest(need an invite for Pinterest?  leave a comment or email me, I will happily enable you!!)

Enjoy Today!

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