All I can say is that I am glad it is Friday...I pretty much flew through my Thursday...worked until 5:30pm, hurried and ate a yummy dinner prepared by Ashley, went to David's Bridal for a fitting, then to Joann's for some reception decorations...then back home to help pick the wedding menu, whew, I was tired.
Wedding stuff is starting to really get stressful (as I knew it would). So that being said today is a quick post.
Here are some photos of Ashley's wedding invitations that were mailed last week (yeah! that was a great feeling).
Feel free to email me or leave a comment if you have any questions on how to make them...let me just say if you are making more than 100, it is A LOT of work and

I have to say, that I was very happy with the finished project...just glad they are finished.

Isn't the picture of Ashley cute...posing with the completed invites:D

I hope to get some stamping done, so I have some exciting things to post next week;D
Hey, girl! The invitations look beautiful! You are soo talented!!! Have a great weekend!
Those are gorgeous invitations!!! How long did it take to make all of those?
I LOVE your blog….just wanted you to know that I nominated you for a blog award. Don’t feel “obligated” to respond, but just wanted you to know you have a BIG fan out there!! Thanks for sharing your incredible ideas. You inspire me so much!
Blog: http://stampingaddict.blogspot.com/
These are just gorgeous. I found them when I did a search for wedding invites on SCS to get ideas for mine!
Just curious how it all fits together and what size the RSVP cards are (I'm trying to figure out what size is mailable)?
Hi! I absolutely LOVE your blog. You inspire me! My DD is getting married next June. I'm especially interested in your wedding invites you made. You did a BEAUTIFUL job! Any help would be appreciated! Thank you! :)
These are gorgeous! I also found them by doing a wedding invites search on Splitcoast. I hope my wedding invites turn out half as great as yours did!
Hi again... hoping you get this so you can send me the directions via email on the wedding invites. Especially interested in the folder envelope thingy! ;)
THANKS so much.... I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!
Really like your invite idea. I'm looking at making my own too, I was wondering if you could tell me approx how much they cost to make, what supplies you used. They look quite thick in the picture. Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Getting married August 1, 2009.
OMG! These are beautiful! Can you send me directions also? I'm planning a wedding for next year and would like to get a head start :)
I saw these invite on SCS. I am thinking of doing something similar for my own wedding. Can you e-mail me the information on how to make these? Thanks!!
These invitations are beautiful. I have been asked to make wedding invitations for a coworker of my husband's. Can you tell me how you made these?
Thank you!
i would love to get the directions for these invitations for my wedding ! my email is funkychunkymunky07 @ hotmail . com. Thank you so much ! they are beautiful.
I love these invites, could you send me the directions to: nursenixon23@hotmail.com
absolutely gorgeous!! :D
Hi, i love these invites and would like to make something similar. could you email me the directions to make these? I am new to stamping so can you include the tools that i would need to purchase.
Thanks a bunch!
These invitations are so cute. I have been given the task of making them for my sister's wedding. I would like to do something similar to this. Would you be able to give me an idea on the sizing of everything? I am fairly new to stamping (1 year and counting).
Thanks so much,
Hello :) I am going to be making invitations for my brothers wedding and he just sent me your invitation. They LOVE them. I am HOPING you can share some information on the sizes, supplies, etc. I would really appreciate any info as they are gorgeous! Thanks :) Kim at kbartlett@surewest.net
Wouldn't you know it? My girlfriend called in my offer of doing shower invitations for her brother's wedding. Apparently they were so impressed, they want me to do the invitations! I love what you posted on SCS, and was hoping you'd be so kind as to share dimensions, hints, tricks, and anything else you can think of!
I'm at mo_she_knows@yahoo.com and would truly appreciate your help!
These invitations are so wonderful. I am asked to do the invitations for my best friends wedding and I would really appreciate if you could send me the directions how to make them as well. My Email is JennyRed@gmx.de.
Thank you very much!!!
Hello! I love the invitations!. My sister is getting married and was wondering what were the dimensions were on the pocket card and inserts. If you don't mind me asking-here is my email:
Thanks for your time!
Chastity Broeker
These invitations are so GREAT!!! One of my favorites during my SCS search! If you have some time could you forward me the directions? Thanks so much!!! kylah.marro@yahoo.com
Lovely invitations, and gift treats, very very cute. I'd love the instructions if you don't mind sharing. Gorgeous blog too!! Thanks A :)
Gretchen, Well, I was asked to do the invitations for a dear friend of mines daughter. I came across yours on SCS site. I absolutely love the invitations you did for your daughter. I was wondering (3 years later) if you still have the directions on making them? I would so love to have this as one of the options I use. If this is not possible I understand. Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Kathy Brown
Hello Gretchen,
I have to make 100 invitations by November and was wondering if you could send me the directions/recipe on how to make them, especially the outer envelope card.
Hi there...your invitations look so nice. I love how CAS they are. Would you mind sharing how you made them?
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