Saturday, November 18, 2017

weekly photo dump {November - week two}

From left to right:
1.  I am really glad to be blogging again, even if it is very minimal right now.  Thank you to all who stop by to read my posts :)
2.  We have had a few cold days (Texas cold is similar to Arizona cold), so I made a big pot of soup.  I LOVE soup!!  It is like a hug in a bowl.
3.  I finally got a new pair of Converse.  Just in the nick of time, since I stepped in dog poop with my old ones last week.  I am trying to convince Mike to clean them for me.  They are outside at the moment.
4.  Flooring started this week.  A day later than we thought, but it started.  I am hoping it will be done by mid week next week.  But you know how that goes...
5.  I will be so glad to get all the stuff that has been stored in my dinning room, put away!!  If you know me, you know this is driving me BONKERS!!
6.  It has been that kind of week, that I pulled out the candy and kept it on my desk!  Super busy at work and ready for February when it slows down again.
7.  We have been hanging out in our bedroom to watch TV at night, since everything is a hot mess in our house, of course all the pets join us.
8.  I saw this on Instagram this week and it resonated with me, as I try to keep a good attitude through all the trials of life.
9.  Picked up my photos at Costco (we decided to get some Pizza while we were there) for my December Daily project from 2012...Yes, five years ago, I never finished it.  It was fun looking through all the photos from back then.  I am excited to get it completed as well as start one for 2017.  

Enjoy Today!


June K said...

Thanks for sharing. From your blog posts in the past I have found you to be a very organized person. It must be so hard for you during this time of having your house re-done from the flooding. Hang in there. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

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Like the photos.

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