I am excited to be a little more active on my blog this year! 2015 was a very crazy year for our family (I will post a little about that this week). I am really looking forward to 2016! I am not a big resolution maker, so nothing to post about that! I am however, planning to worry less (easier said than done, ha ha!), and enjoy this crazy thing called life! I hope you will follow along as we have the best 2016 EVER!
I thought it would be fun to post my Instagram #2015bestnine to wrap up last year...(if you'd like, follow me @ gretchenclark).
Enjoy Today!
So glad to get a post from you - it's been such a long time and you have really been missed. Glad to see your pups are doing well (I've missed them too) Looking forward to a fantastic 2016!!
Happy New Year, Gretchen. I think we have the same goal. . . less worry and less stress. I can control some of my stress by worrying less.
Yay! Happy New Year! I am looking forward to your blog posts this year :) Thank you so much for your gorgeous Christmas card too! I ended up having surprise last minute visitors from overseas so my Christmas card production came to a screeching halt and despite spending a fortune on new stamps they sadly never got used :(
However, I am hoping to make up for it by sending out New Years cards soon since my visitors left and midnight last night and I can now get back into my craft room :)
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