Friday, May 10, 2013

5 on Friday...

5 on Friday
1.  In case you haven't heard...Designer Digitals is having a sale!!  I already have lots of digital goodness in my shopping cart!!  My favorite designers are Cathy and Ali!!
2.  Totally addicted to Candy Crush.  If you haven't played, give it a try~ so FUN!
3.  Kodi was sick on Wednesday/Thursday and had to go to the vet, I DO NOT like when the doggies are sick!!  Thankfully it was nothing serious.  A few cans of bland dog food and some antibiotics, and I think he is on the mend.
4.  Josh turned 24 yesterday; time sure does go by fast!!  We are celebrating his birthday on Sunday along with Mother's Day (we always share the day).  I am sure there will be a PL spread of the festivities in the next week or so.
5.  And because I think a blog post is boring without a is our trash collector. Most nights we take the dogs to the high school near our house to run in the field.  Sophie picks up the few water bottles and cups that the track team didn't put in the trash.  She must be OCD like me!!

Enjoy Today!!


Jodene said...

Sophie is just too cute! Now if only I could train my dogs to pick up trash :)

June K said...

LOL. Good trash collector there. Our dog used to pick up everything but trash.